Sunday, November 13, 2011

Obama and the Dems Will Cut Social Security

“The Democrats on the Super Committee want to significantly cut your Social Security and have offered to do it. The only thing really protecting your Social Security benefits from cuts right now is the Republican unwillingness to reach a deal that includes explicit tax increases.

There should be no doubt that your Social Security is in serious danger right now.  It has been in serious danger ever since the Super Committee was purposely created in such away to make it easier to cut the program.”  Firedog Lake

That’s right folks. You had better hope that John Boehner doesn’t come to the table. If he does, the democrats will be ready to throw you under the wheels of the bus.

I wrote about this in Black Agenda Report this week. Obama, with the help of Pelosi, Reid and company, has perfected right wing ideology and made it palatable to people who should be crying out in indignation. But they won’t say a word against the evil doing as long as it is committed by people with the letter D behind their names.