Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Lynne Stewart

Lynne Stewart passed away this evening at the age of 77. She was an indefatigable defender of human rights, a superior trial attorney who fought for clients others wouldn't defend. So the government put her in jail at the age of 70 after she was diagnosed with cancer.

She was granted compassionate release on December 31, 2013. I joined with hundreds of others to welcome her home at Laguardia airport the next day. Ralph Poynter, her devoted husband, worked tirelessly on her release.

This photo was taken at the 2015 United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) conference in Secaucus, New Jersey. I was co-chairing a panel on political prisoners and Lynne was one of our speakers. And Ralph of course was always at her side.

If you don't know Lynne's story you read Glen Ford's words on the occasion of her 74th birthday in 2013. Chris Hedges also gives good background on her case here.

My condolences to Ralph, her children and grand children and to all who loved her.